Click the link below to learn more and see recipients:
If you have additions or corrections to this page, please e-mail the Region Communications Chair,
Jeanette Hay at: r08CC@ashrae.net
Membership Promotion Awards
Blue Ribbon winners are the chapter in each region with the most Membership Promotion points on the PAOE totals.
Red Ribbon winners are the chapter in each region with the second highest Membership Promotion points on the PAOE totals.
Green Ribbon winners are the chapter in each region with the highest percentage of online renewals.
Round Em' Up Award - This award began April 30, 1994 and is presented annually to recognize the Region VIII Chapter MP Chair who best demonstrates the commitment exemplified by former MP Regional Vice Chair Richard Lowke.
Research Promotion Awards
Full Circle - This award recognizes the leadership and financial support of a Chapter’s Officers and its Research Promotion Chair of ASHRAE Research. This award also serves as an example to fellow chapter members to support the future of the HVAC&R profession. The Full Circle Award requires a personal Honor Roll contribution ($100 minimum) by every Chapter Officer and the RP Chair.
Endowment Chevron
High Five Chevron
Treasury Ribbon
History - Gold Ribbon Awards
The Chapter Gold Ribbon Award was established in January 1981 to reward chapter historians for their efforts in compiling information on significant events in the history of HVAC&R, with the initial emphasis on detailing a chapter’s history since its chartering.