Chapter Spotlight: East Texas
ROOTS On June 19, 1961, shortly after the merger between ASHAE and ASRE, a group in Tyler, Texas petitioned the ASHRAE Board of Directors...

Chapter Spotlight: Arkansas
The Arkansas Chapter of ASHRAE was founded January 27, 1952. Arkansas Chapter has won (9) Region VIII Golden Gavel Awards for...

Chapter Spotlight: West Texas
The West Texas Chapter of ASHRAE was chartered in the fall of 1953, when air conditioning was a burgeoning idea on the high plains of...

Chapter Spotlight: Monterrey
CHAPTER HISTORY: On September 10 to 13, 1997, on the occasion of the AHR Expo-Mexico, a group of distinguished members of ASHRAE that,...

Chapter Spotlight: Fort Worth
Our chapter was founded in 1958 so we are celebrating our 50th anniversary (this does not include the one year we were an ASHAE chapter...

Chapter Spotlight: Austin
For this month's Chapter Spotlight, please enjoy a piece of the Austin Chapter's historical narrative. Austin Chapter Heritage – 1950 to...

Chapter Spotlight: East Texas
The ASHRAE East Texas chapter is located in the upper eastern section of Texas, also known as the Piney Woods. Wikipedia calls it the...

Chapter Spotlight: South Texas
The South Texas Chapter began in the fall of 1986 with a group of about eight. Michael Davis of CPL attended some Alamo Chapter meetings...
Chapter Spotlight: Houston
History: Chartered in 1939. Rich history of supporting Society and Region including 4 Society presidents, 6 Region DRCs and innumerable...

Arkansas Chapter Spotlight
Chapter History: Created January 27, 1952. Arkansas Chapter is 9-time Region VIII Golden Gavel winner (1972, 1974, 1992, 1996, 2004,...