Chapter Spotlight: Fort Worth
Our chapter was founded in 1958 so we are celebrating our 50th anniversary (this does not include the one year we were an ASHAE chapter prior to this)
Noted people include our founding president Tom Romine, Art Giesler, Emil Friberg, Al Utesch, James R. Blanke, and Golden Gavel Award winners Joe Romine, W.O. Kelly III, D.W. Gipson, Charles Wedemeyer, L.R. “Rush” Klein, Jr., Jay Martin, and Ian Bost.
Our Fort Worth Chapter members have won a wide range of awards over the past 5 years. Some of the members and their awards are as follow; Dr. Zahid Ayub, PE – 2013 – Exceptional Service Award and 2017 – Louise & Bill Holladay Dist. Fellow Award, Ian Bost, PE – 2016 Chapter Service Award, Joseph Huber, PhD – 2017 – Service to ASHRAE Research, Daniel Merkel – 2016 Chapter Service Award and Dr. Dennis O’Neal, PhD – 2016 – Technical Paper Award.
President: Saul Martinez, PE – Saul has been in the HVAC industry since his days as an intern at Baird, Hampton & Brown. He has served as the YEA Committee Chair, Secretary, and President-Elect.
President-Elect: Allen Grammer, PE – Allen has been in the HVAC industry since completing his bachelor’s degree. He has served as Treasurer and Secretary.
Secretary: Jeremy Snyder, PE – Jeremy has worked in the defense and the athletic equipment manufacturing industry prior to transitioning to the HVAC industry. This is his first year in ASHRAE leadership.
Treasurer: Scott West, PE – Scott has over 10 years of experience in the HVAC industry with a specialization in energy efficiency. He served as the Sustainability Committee Chair for three years.

Our chapter is growing quickly with new members, both to the industry and to the area, and the leadership is striving to serve those new to the industry with training and to serve all with a sense of community.