Chapter Spotlight: Arkansas

The Arkansas Chapter of ASHRAE was founded January 27, 1952. Arkansas Chapter has won (9) Region VIII Golden Gavel Awards for outstanding chapter in a year. When the Presidential Award of Excellence (PAOE) was instituted in 1970, Arkansas Chapter won 13 consecutive Premier ratings, and twice in that span had Most Points in Society. Arkansas Chapter has produced (2) ASHRAE Society presidents, Bill Goodman (1999-2000) and Bill Harrison (2008-09), and (4) ASHRAE Fellows: John Sandfort, Bill Goodman, Sam Cummings, and Darrin Nutter. Bill Goodman was also awarded the Exceptional Service Award (2008) and the Distinguished 50-Year Member Award (2012). Arkansas Chapter’s Wayne Helmer won the E.K. Campbell Award of Merit (2012) for outstanding service to engineering teaching, and Bill Harrison won the Andrew T. Boggs Award (2015) (to a past recipient of the Distinguished Service Award for continuing unselfish, dedicated, and distinguished work on behalf of the Society).
Current Leadership:
President: Ron McCarty, MBA – Ron is currently the executive Vice President of Operations at Powers of Arkansas. He started his association with the HVAC industry as the Facility/Financial Director for a regulatory preclinical pharmaceutical testing facility for 28 years and then joined Powers of Arkansas in 2010. He has been an ASHRAE member since 2010. During the last eight years has served as Membership Promotion chair for three years, Secretary, Treasurer, President Elect/CTTC and President.
President Elect/CTTC Chairperson: Steve McConnell is a Sr Mechanical Engineer with Lewis Architects Engineers with his Professional Engineer, Certified Energy Manager, LEED AP BD+C. Steve has been an ASHRAE member since 1998 and served as Secretary, Treasurer and is currently the President Elect/CTTC.
Treasurer: Drew Grant is a Project manager with Hobbs Associates and has been an ASHRAE member since 2012. He served as in the following Chair positions: Honors and Award (2 years), Chapter Webmaster, Secretary, and now is the Chapter Treasurer.
Secretary: Cruz Eslick is an Associate with Bernhard TME. He is currently serving as Chapter Secretary. This is his first year in ASHRAE leadership.
One greatest of the strengths of the Arkansas Chapter is the continued commitment of our past Presidents. This year our Board of Governors (BOG) have three Past Presidents that have been very active with the Chapter and one is very active with Society/Region. First is Bill Simpson, LEED AP, he is a New Systems Sales Team Leader with Harrison Energy partners. Been an ASHRAE member since 2004. Served at the Chapter level as Webmaster (2005-06 R-VIII Webmaster Award), Student Activities Chair (2006-07 R-VIII Student Activities Award), Secretary, 2010-11 President-Elect/CTTC, President (Golden Gavel and Jack Thompson Awards), Chapter Alternate, RP Chair (Goal & High Five - $56,935), Chapter Delegate and Chapter BOG. At the Regional/Society Level he has served as Professional Development Committee Member, Student Activities Committee Member/Region VIII Vice Chair, Adapt bEQ for Student Branches Ad Hoc Committee Member, Student Activities Committee Vice Chair and Student Activities Committee Chair. He is presently the Student Activities Committee Consultant and Corresponding Member on TCs.
The Next BOG member is Terry Jacks. He is a Partner / Principal Engineer at Pettit & Pettit Consulting Engineers, Inc. with a Professional Engineer in Arkansas and Oklahoma, LEED BD+C. He has been an ASHRAE Member since 2008. For the Chapter he has served on the Board of Governors, as Social Media Chair, Resource Promotion Chair, President, President Elect / CTTC, Treasurer, Membership Promotion Chair and Reception Chair.
The remaining BOG is Forrest Moseley. He is a Sales Engineer with Airetech Corporation and has a mechanical engineering /Mechanical Technology degree from UALR. He has been an ASHRAE member since 2003. Forrest started his serve for the Chapter and Student Activities chair for four years and then moved into the leadership chairs of Secretary, Treasurer, President Elect/CTTC and President. This was followed up with RP chair and now on the BOG.
The Arkansas Chapter has a long history as being a very active and involved Chapter. The organization has been extremely active and committed with the local community, industry, government and Universities. The current membership and leadership will continue to push the Chapter to exceed expectations and continue the legacy of quality and commitment.