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Region VIII Member shadows DRC for Winter Conference

Each year, the Region selects a member to shadow the DRC over the course of the Winter Conference, attending all meetings and events. Here is what our most recent LeaDRS participant had to say:


I would like to start out by thanking you for the honor of being your LeaDRS candidate. I feel fortunate to have been picked for such an opportunity. I am also thankful to society and the region for sponsoring my trip.

It has been a good experience seeing how the DRC conducts his time at the Winter Conference. Even though I have been to several before, I mostly attended meetings and events that I had never attended before. This was very educational. I got to see more of the inner workings of ASHRAE than I ever had before.

At these meetings I was introduced by you to many people, from the region and society. Significant and dedicated volunteers, that have been a part of ASHRAE for years, that I either never would have had the opportunity to meet or would not have had such an opportunity for some time. These meetings I attended and the people I met are indeed the very reason that the LeaDRS program exists. In these areas I feel that my time here has been very rewarding.

There were some things that I benefited from that I did not expect. Not only was I introduced to many people, but they were very friendly and conversational beyond introductions. They informed me of all kinds of things about ASHRAE. For one example, they steered me to certain technical presentations and committee meetings that they felt I personally would benefit from as a result of their interest in what I do professionally or based on certain interests I showed in ASHRAE. To me, this kindness and helpfulness demonstrates the spirit of ASHRAE.

You asked for any negatives, and I have struggled to think of any. I expected to be lost at certain times, but I was not lost in any meetings due to your helpful explanations of who people were and what was going on throughout the conference.

Thank you again for the opportunity.

Caleb Spradlin, PE

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