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2020-23 Director and Regional Chair's Final Message

This will be my final, last message as your Director and Regional Chair (DRC, and its already three days late) as June 30th was my last official day. It really has been a short three years that I presided over Region VIII, and it has definitely had its ups and downs. We started out in Covid with a second virtual CRC under Monterrey,

then had a hybrid CRC in Houston as things seemed to turn around. This allowed them to hold the CRC that got turned into the first virtual one when cancelled under our former DRC Jon Symco. Finally, we got to hold a true face-to-face CRC in Monterrey, Mexico. It was a fantastic event and I’m sorry for anyone who missed the great hospitality that the Monterrey provided.

My DRC time period is now history; and, as a thank you from many of our members, I received a copy of the “Illustrated History of ASHRAE” (at right), signed like I was back in high school getting my yearbook. Not only is it special because I’m a historian, but it was signed by many very close friends from Region VIII.

Region VIII is made up of talented, dedicated volunteers who contribute so many hours of their personal time that the success and growth of our Region will continue for a long time to come.

I am truly blessed with having been accepted and selected to serve as your DRC. It is most likely the culmination of my ASHRAE career. I got into the business a little late in life as an Associate member in 1987. Many of you don’t know, but I served in most committee and all Officers positions within the Austin Chapter, was RVC for MP for 3 years, 4 years as Regional Historian, served as Society Vice Chairs and then Chair for both the Membership Promotion and Historical Committees, and was Chair of TC 8.10 Mechanical Dehumidification Equipment, Heat Pipes and Components. I’ve learned a lot over my ASHRAE career, but being DRC was truly the pinnacle of it all. I wished we could have mingled more, but life manages to make everyone stronger when having to overcome adversity.

Our Region’s fifteen great Chapters (3 in Mexico, 2 each in Arkansas and Oklahoma, and 8 in Texas) each have its own rich history of performance. A large number of our regional members are involved at all levels of the ASHRAE organization. I want to again extend my upmost gratitude to all of the hard working members of Region VIII who continue to make friends easily and create bonds that last a lifetime. I wish Joe Sanders and all the new incoming and currently in place Regional Leadership great things for the future.

I want to thank all of those who have also helped me along the way. I can’t begin to name everyone who has created some joy in my heart, and in no particular order, I have a great thanks to: Incoming DRC Joe Sanders, my friends John Harrod, Ken Fulk, Mike Beda, Dusty Stoabs, Art Giesler, Pamela Duffy, Nathan Hart, Mark Fly, Eleazar Rivera, Don Hay, Bill Klock, Bill Harrison, Jon Symko (rest in peace), Bruce Flaniken, Hugh McMillan, Jeremy Smith and Keith Reihl who served as my Treasurer, and so many more. Thank you to all of the RVCs who served under me, either partially or full time, for such a tremendous job in keeping my tasks as easy as possible.

Finally, if you are not an active member, please become one! Active members are the life’s blood of ASHRAE. ASHRAE, and you, will get better with active members getting involved, volunteering time and resources all for worthy causes.

Thank you for three great years of 2020-2023.

Welcome to 2023-2024 under Joe Sanders!


Randy Schrecengost, DRC 2020-2023


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